Remember the hard-etc...etc..-party night?
Well, I do!
It was utter crap!
It was a major K crap!!!!
Why is that when you actually do some forward planning toward a binge-drinking buddy night, it turns out to be - most often - a shot in the foot?
I went to a so called "Digital art and electronic music festival" .... yeah there was some digital in it, but there wasn't anything remotely similar to art and even less to what I usually call a festival.
The musical thematic was supposed to be minimal techno.... According to my point of view it was a full-blown-out techno affair where the epithet of minimal should have been addressed to to the audience in assistance: 2:45 am and the massive attendance was of approximately 25 mislead individuals, already counting with the DJs families and closest of friends.
Mix that with a acute crisis of party deprivation and a larger than life willingness to have fun , and what do you get... beside the excruciating headache from a crap sound system in a seemingly useless warehouse where this gathering of wastefuls' took place? Let me tell you in a kindly manner: an unbearable sense of frustration for having to have paid for it!!!!
It's already bad when a Dj sucks, but when the sucking DJ - who is supposedly one of the more acclaimed in that particular genre - is playing for 10 basket cases is just too much to handle! I'll take the chance to make a witty remark about an older couple that clearly chose the wrong set of drugs for the event.... the poor bastards.. I think they were on their way to the Yellow Submarine filming locations... and speeding to it, most definitively!!
Yours truly was in such a mood that if the end of world hunger was officially announced at that particular occasion, I would probably complain about the cold.
But let us hold a little bit to the fabulous albeit monotonous world of minimal techno.
I'm starting to think that there are some guys in the music industry that really really would love to edit a record or be known for their musical (in)ability... so what do you do when you can't produce a good record in your preferable or favorite style?? You create a new one!!!!
If done properly you can eventually excel at it!
So.. now one can imagine the dude in his studio, banging the new Dj Superstar onto his head wandering why can't he.... the dude..... in the studio..... create a bangin' track??
Fuck that! he says. I'm starting the same track as Dj Whatshisname but without the complicated parts (that he can't achieve to produce, of course) and claiming a new esthetically sound manifest, he declares triumphantly: That's it!!! I'm now doing minimal-whatever (the second term doesn't really matter that much).
(to be continued....)
analog electronics filters amps oscillators
2 years ago
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