Sunday, November 18, 2007


Patience, perseverance, discipline, work ethics, high endurance to boredom, self-motivation, larger than life expectations and regular pot income.
These are some of the most needed requisites for the "modern successful individual" recipe!
Ok, nothing new here! The thing is: you can read this stuff in any highway fuel station (right below the Dalai Lama 234 th edition of some other books that a more market oriented monk wrote a few years ago).
This raises a quite frightening question: If every doubt-ridden, nirvanesque-like writer or guru-wannabe is getting his books on these academy acclaimed culture selling points (keep in mind that we're still in the fuel station) this can only mean, to a certain extent, that, everybody knows by now, what they lack to become actual self motivated, pro-active successful entrepreneurs!

Isn't that fantastic?
Everybody knows what's missing (me included) and still... well you know the rest.

I am missing something here??

I took a fuckin' degree so i wouldn't have to deal with this shit!
Where's the good stuff? the gym-membership (this one's to you cus'), the paid hotel weekends, the career natural evolution, the income raises? Where's all that?
Where's the good life that Kayne West keeps annoying me about.: this one's new: hip stars that gave the hop to stardom... does this have anything to do with the music? I guess not!
It just doesn't move me. On my part, I don't intend on getting rich or die trying (pun intended) just to smack my 1000 euro silicone bitches pairs of tits in your face just to let you know what you didn't accomplish...
I keep wondering where did I zig instead of zagging....

I know that you know that everybody knows what to do, but the "why don't we do it" million dollar question is starting to keep me awake more than I usually allow.

I'm getting more and more troubled with this.

Saturday, November 17, 2007

Two sides and one ending (rear one, I presume)

Dear scavengers,
Having found myself on the wrong end of the payment chain (another time, which is a one-time-too-many), I am now officially pissed-off beyond recognition with the boss-kind pseudo-human dudes out there.
You guys SUCK BIG TIME!!!!

Another thing.... I recently saw a raw-pearl of domestic consumption amateur porn that involves two charming ladies and a receptacle misleadingly called "cup" engaging in a series of intimal activities that outreach my ever-limited descriptive ability. I urge you all to go www and find this for yourselves.
(Disclaimer: the aforementioned video itself is gross beyond belief and it takes some stomach to actually watch it from start to finish.. be warned: It almost made me fuckin' throw up (Just for the sake of it.. I didn't see it from start to finish))
Again I was surprised not by the video itself, but by the hilarious hype that came with it: Videos with the reactions of dudes and dudettes, all races and kinds, to the actual stuff.
And these videos ARE THE SHIT!!! (this should be interpreted in a ambivalent sense: both metaphorically and literally)
I don't have the time to presently elaborate on this phenom, but, dear time-wasting-friends, bear in mind that the 21th century Homo sapiens mediaticus can and will turn whatever lump of nothingness into a mainstream of success! AND THIS IS THE LIVING PROOF OF IT!!!
I finally see the revolution coming (I am not tripping here, seriously), and most definitively IT WILL BE TELEVISED.
By the way, does "Hail to the thief" and "OK computer" ring a bell here?
Hail to the you-know-who-heads for corroding the first slab of the ever-dumber consumer and ever-richer media controllers.
It's all for now!
Over and out!